What is the Personal Financial Management Course (Debtor Education)?

Debtors are required to complete an instructional course in personal financial management as a condition for receiving a discharge.  This course is in addition to the credit counseling requirement.  When the personal financial management course is completed, the debtor or approved course provider must file the Certificate issued by the course provider.  If a joint petition was filed, both debtors must attend the course and both debtors must file separate Certificates.   The Certificate must be filed within 60 days of the first date set for the Meeting of Creditors.  If the Certificate is not filed, the court may close the case without a discharge.  If the debtor then files a motion to reopen the case to allow the filing of a Certificate, the full filing fee due for filing such a motion is required.

There are limited exceptions to the personal financial management course requirement such as incapacity or disability (defined in 11 U.S.C. 109(h)) or active military duty in a military combat zone.  To be considered for one of the exceptions, a motion for exemption from financial management course must be filed, which will be heard by the court on an appropriate hearing date.

Click here for a list of approved Debtor Education Providers.

E:FILING GUIDANCE: To e:file Certificates, use the Financial Management Course Certificate event located in Misc. Events category.  Click here for docketing instructions.  To request an exemption, a motion must be filed and scheduled for an appropriate hearing date, using the Exemption from Financial Management Course and/or Certification in Support of Discharge event located in the Motions/Applications category.  Click here for docketing instructions.